How to choose a hat according to the shape of the face - tips and video material

Choose the winter hat correctly

The market offers caps in a wide range of materials, colors, styles. When choosing a hat, you should not be guided only by the advice of a seller who aims to sell a product. It is better to go to the store with friends or relatives to choose the right hat.

Choosing "clothes for the head", consider a number of points.

  1. The hat should match the shape of the face and physique. If you can choose the right product, it can slightly adjust the silhouette. Be sure to try and evaluate using a mirror.
  2. If you are short, do not buy a volume model. Such a hat will make the figure look like a mushroom.
  3. In addition to physique and growth, consider facial features. If small cheeks and a round face tightly fitting a small hat does not fit.
  4. If the nose is upturned, pay attention to the earflaps with a visor bent up. For people with a straight and long nose, the option that hangs over the forehead is suitable.
  5. Fur models of the “hood” type are popular. This headdress transforms the image, warms the neck and head.
  6. Women will create an actual look with the help of fur hats of violet, emerald or ruby ​​hue.
  7. Do not disregard the classic fur options. They offer a wide selection of colors, a variety of patterns and shapes, warmth and comfort.

A warm hat is an accessory that emphasizes beauty and style and cares about health in the middle of winter.

Face shape caps

Looking at the store, people encounter difficulties during the selection. The assortment complicates the search. The tips below will ease your fate.

  1. Square face. A round hat or beret is considered the best solution. It follows the shape of the head and softens angularity.
  2. Oval face. This face shape is universal. Buy your favorite model, regardless of style. The best option are cap-berets and asymmetric options.
  3. Round face. The ideal solution is a “man's” hat with neat fields down. Thanks to this accessory, the round face becomes sophisticated and strict.
  4. Triangular face. Wide edges with a similar face shape harmonize poorly because they make it narrow. Fieldless hats covering the forehead are what you need. Volumetric berets are also suitable.

We pick a hat for a man

Men, like women, are extremely whimsical when it comes to choosing and buying clothes. It used to be different, but now even representatives of the stronger sex tend to look perfect.

The market offers winter, summer and even demi-season caps for guys. With the right choice, hats complement the masculine look.

  1. Before buying, consider the form. The main thing is that it matches the type of person.
  2. Decide on the characteristics. Hats are dense, light, leather, fabric, fur. Do not disregard the growth and configuration.
  3. If you opted for a fur product, do not rush to buy. Using a female technique, try on several models.
  4. Men are meticulous and practical. Pay attention to the material, cost and quality characteristics. Choose a warm, comfortable and comfortable hat.
Video tips
How to choose a hat, gloves and scarf. Men's style. Men's style in winter.

Men are interested in buying a suitable headgear. Some people prefer caps with earflaps, others - caps, hats or fur headphones.

Selection of caps for clothes

Hat under the coat

A coat is a piece of clothing that is always in fashion. Despite the changing trends and whims of fashion, winter, autumn and shortened models do not leave world catwalks. People regardless of gender and age look in coat elegant and stylish.

Hoods, fur and knitted hats, hats, berets, caps - the choice is huge. It is difficult to say that of the above, all types of hats are combined with a coat.

  1. Buy a classic coat knitted hathat or beret. Do not forget about the existence of updated hoods that have returned to fashion.
  2. The hat should keep warm. If you choose a coat option for the winter, pay attention to the fur product.
  3. If the coat is without a fluffy collar, choose a fox, sable or fox outfit. If the collar is fitted, a hood, knitted pattern or mink beret is suitable.
  4. The color of the hat should be darker or lighter than the coat. The best option when the product is in contrast to the shade of the hair, especially if the accessories are in harmony with it gloves and scarf.
  5. If a coat with a pattern, buy a simple and monochrome hat. A strict coat is combined with an intricate hat decorated with flowers or ornaments.

Hat to a fur coat

It is believed that winter and fashionable clothes are not comparable things? therefore, some tend to buy a hat so that it warms. True fashionistas and fashionistas will always find a way to look stylish. To create a fashionable winter look, it is not enough to purchase a beautiful fur coat, coat or down jacket. It is necessary to successfully connect outerwear with a hat.

  1. Insofar as fur coat made of fur, the hat should be of the same fur, matching the color and texture of outer clothing.
  2. The image will turn out ridiculous if you put on a mink coat and, for example, a rabbit hat. Materials of clothing and headgear should be in harmony. This combination is suitable for daily use, and for New Year's corporate party in the fresh air.
  3. An important factor is color. Ideal when it is in harmony with hair color, face and shade of a fur coat. If red hair, buy a model of plum or chocolate shade.
  4. If blond hair, the best solution I think is the option of peach, beige or white. Brunettes look good in purple, snow-white and black tones.
  5. I recommend taking into account the growth and features of the figure. A tall woman looks ridiculous in a small hat that reduces the volume of her head. Miniature ladies need to avoid large hats.
  6. A fur coat is an expensive thing. To match the cap, you should not save. If you bought an expensive fur coat, do not spoil the impression of a cheap option.
  7. A small number of seams. Ideally, a hat is sewn from a whole piece of fur.
  8. If the model creaks when touched, refuse the purchase. It is probably made of low quality material.

Choose a hat for the winter

Snow will fall soon, frost will strike and get colder. Without warming the head in such conditions is difficult. The correctly selected hat will warm, emphasize the advantages, hide the flaws, complete the image.

  1. Go to the mirror and carefully look at the shape of the face. Then proceed with modeling, guided by recommendations.
  2. Berets, hats with low brim or asymmetric options are suitable for the oval face. Tight berets avoid.
  3. Owners of a round face recommend a panama hat, a hat with brim, options with a visor and large berets.
  4. For a triangular face, choose hats with small edges. Fitting models focus on the upper area of ​​the face, therefore, do not fit.
  5. Hats with earflaps, “eared” caps and hats with lowered brim fit to a square face.
  6. Color should be combined with hair and face.
  7. I recommend to pale-faced and blondes to buy hats of bright colors. They look good in brown, black, red and blue hats.
  8. For owners of red hair, hats of green, gray, black and blue are suitable. Red is not an option.
  9. Brunettes and brunettes are lucky. Any model is suitable for them, regardless of color.
  10. Consider the figure. High recommend bulk products, and low advise to abandon large models.
  11. When trying on a hat, use a large mirror to evaluate the image.
  12. When going to the store for a hat, put on the clothes with which you plan to wear a purchase. This will allow you to choose a product that is in harmony with the jacket or coat.

The main thing, stock up on mood and patience. Only in this way will the result be satisfied.

What will happen if you do not wear a hat in the winter?

Contrary to the fact that the hat is a fashionable, stylish and warm accessory, people do not like it. Even in the middle of winter, they go out on the street with their heads uncovered. This is a bold act, but you need to remember about health.

If the window has zero temperature, you can do without it. Health will not suffer if you strengthened immunity. When the street is cold, the benefits of hats become tangible. To obtain flu or a cold, just cool your head. In addition, low temperature hurts the ears. It is enough to weather them, and immediately some kind of illness appears.

People who refuse to wear hats come into warm rooms to keep warm. They are unaware that a sharp temperature drop hurts the ears. What can we say about serious diseases that can overtake if you do not wear a hat. In cold weather, you can catch the facial nerve. It is fraught with pain and a distorted face.

When do you start wearing a hat?

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Good luck and health! Take care of yourself!

The author of the article
Anton Smekhov
I understand that the quality of someone’s life depends on my knowledge and experience set forth on “paper”. I try to see only good in people, so I offer them only the best!
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Comments: 1
  1. Valentine

    By myself, I know that a hat is very necessary. I’m wearing a good hat with embroidered AZIMUTH SPORT, I know for sure that I’m not afraid of the cold.

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