March 8 - International Women's Day. History and zodiac sign

Tulips - the symbol of March 8

One spring date that representatives of the beautiful sex look forward to is March 8 - International Women's Day. Consider the history of the holiday and what zodiac sign is for people born on this significant day.

In Russia, this day began to be celebrated in 1913. Our holiday managed to take root, and in some countries in March 8 don't see anything special.

Statistics. Nine out of ten citizens of the Russian Federation consider March 8 a holiday. This applies to both women and men. Most Russians spend the day at the festive table in the family circle. The rest are visited by friends and relatives.

March 8 - zodiac sign

On International Women's Day, as on other special dates, many people are born. Each person is unique, but common features are traced. We will figure out which zodiac sign was born on March 8 and highlight the main features, compatibility in relationships, and consider a horoscope.

Zodiac sign born March 8 - Pisces. Contrary to this, such people are very much like Aquarius. Usually they are hardworking individuals seeking wealth and social status.

Fish are distinguished by developed imagination and insight, artistic taste and aesthetics. They like expensive gizmos and a luxurious life. True, not everyone succeeds in achieving such a result.


  1. Men born on March 8 are often injured. It is difficult to say why this happens, but this is a fact. That is why it is recommended that you exercise caution when traveling and traveling, playing sports, and physical work.
  2. Fishes like to enjoy and enjoy themselves. They easily become prisoners of addiction. Not only food is dangerous for them, but drugs and bad habits. There is only one way out - a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Fish by nature are strong and hardy individuals. For the sake of saving their own nervous system, they often need to rest, avoid stressful situations, control themselves, and not give in to provocations.

Job and career

  1. The life path of people born on March 8 is individual. They respect traditions, but do not pay much attention to them. In their opinion, this will adversely affect development and improvement.
  2. Often Pisces are not sure of the correctness of their misconduct. For this reason, they are indecisive: they review their own conclusions many times, they are not in a hurry to move on to active actions. Some of them become archaeologists, DJs and even millionaires.
  3. People who celebrate their birthday on March 8 become authors of projects and ideas. Society is not always happy to meet them, which makes Pisces constantly defend themselves.
  4. Among Pisces there are frivolous and irresponsible personalities. This character trait prevents the formation of friendly ties. Looking for Pisces friends in the “helpful” people category.
  5. Often Pisces become players and actors. They like extravagance and shocking. They do not demonstrate these features. Do not be surprised if a person, after many years of calm life, commits a shocking act.

I will add that a person born on March 8 is usually smart, intuitive, strong, and has developed imagination and knowledge. It turns out a charming nature.

March 8 holiday story

March 8 is World Women's Day when women's achievements in the field of economics, politics and social life are celebrated.

Celebrating Women's Day is not the same as promoting equality. This is the day of spring, female wisdom, tenderness and beauty. On this date, the men of the planet pay special attention to women. This has not always been the case.

The topic of further discussion will be the history of the holiday. I will tell you how women went so that the holiday would have a right to exist.

For the first time, the idea of ​​holding Women's Day appeared at the beginning of the last century. At that moment, an era of demographic boom, upheaval and expansion, the emergence of radical ideas began for industrialized states.

In early 1910, a conference of working women was held in Copenhagen. During the event, Klara Zetkin, the leader of the women's team of the German Social Democratic Party, proposed to celebrate Women's Day in all countries of the world on the same date. The purpose of the holiday is the struggle of the fairer sex for their own rights.

The holiday received official status only in 1975 by a UN decision. Women of the planet got the opportunity to get together and pay tribute to traditions that personify the long struggle for development, peace, justice and equality. March 8 is the celebration of women who took part in the creation of history.

Modern International Women's Day is a spring holiday when men of the planet devote their to wives and women pay great attention, showers with care, present gifts and say kind words.

On this note, I will complete the article. You have learned what International Women's Day is and when the holiday appeared.

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I want to contact you, dear men. You know how hard a woman’s life is. Do not be lazy and arrange for your "angel" a real holiday with flowers, sweets and warm words. Believe me, those positive emotions and impressions that your woman will get will last for a whole year.

The author of the article
Lyubov Ivanova
Do you know how to live a long and happy life? That's right, you need to believe in the good and people! This approach will be the beginning to change yourself and the world around you.
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