What animal according to the Eastern horoscope 2020

Road to the mountains

Many are concerned about the question - “What animal will the year 2020 be on the Eastern calendar, and what should be expected from it as a whole?” Oriental or Chinese calendar is considered one of the most popular, and its feature is a symbol that changes annually. 2020 will be the year of the White Metal Rat, and we will find out below what this means.

Horoscopes have always been very popular and 2020 is no exception. They provide an opportunity to learn the future, try to direct forces in the right direction or get acquainted with the possible development of events.

Read more about the 2020 symbol

The pig is swimming

The eastern or Chinese horoscope is no less popular and truthful than the western. For a long time, trying to propitiate fortune, we celebrate the New Year and set the festive table in accordance with the recommendations of the Chinese calendar. On the eve of 2020, everyone is interested in the question of which animal will dominate and influence all spheres of life over the next twelve months. The Yellow Pig is being replaced on February 5, 2020 by the White Metal Rat.

This animal begins a new rotation cycle of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac calendar. And according to the forecast of astrologers, this promises long-awaited peace and stability. It will be a "fat" year and a favorable period to take stock and prepare for entering a new cycle.

Characteristics of the White Rat

The rat is the first sign of the Chinese calendar. A totem animal can be described as a calm hedonist who knows a lot about pleasures. To the representatives of the sign, luck itself floats into the hands. But at the same time they are hardworking and responsible workers, excellent family people and reliable friends.

IT IS INTERESTING! Famous personalities born in the year of the Rat are: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Antonio Banderas, Jude Law, Cameron Diaz, Ben Affleck, Gwyneth Paltrow, Scarlett Johansson.

For people born in the year of the Rat, a tendency toward family values, creativity and analytics, and high intelligence are characteristic. Some earthliness is compensated among the representatives of this sign by a clear life strategy and a broad outlook. They are lucky in financial matters. They are energetic, have good taste and are fashion savvy. In addition, representatives of the sign are characterized by a sense of ownership and jealousy in relation to life partners.

Description of the year according to the Chinese horoscope

Year 2019

The hostess of 2020, Metal Rat, will bring the life of most people positive changes and abundance, success in financial affairs and stability in family relationships. However, you should not allow yourself to completely immerse yourself in euphoria and weaken control over the situation. The period of stability and well-being is not a time to relax, but a good respite to prepare for life changes.

In 2020, avoid gluttony, idleness and senseless wastefulness. Spend money on really needed things. The beginning of the year is optimal for organizing your own business. Career growth is also expected. This is a favorable period for marriage and the birth of children.

2020, according to the Chinese calendar, corresponds to the element of the Earth in the Yin polarity. This gives all reasons for an optimistic forecast for the whole year, and positive changes will not be temporary, but will be fixed for a long time.This is a suitable period not only to increase material wealth, but also to reflect on spiritual heritage and charity, to rethink the importance of the family.

INTERESTING FACT! The colors favored by the Rat are silver and white. Their use in festive decoration and clothing will balance energy flows and attract good luck.

Chinese calendar: the impact of the sun and moon on life cycles

Sun and moon

The Chinese zodiac calendar is based on the cycles of the moon and the sun. Unlike the Gregorian, the year in which January 1 begins, it is a floating date in the eastern calendar. The date of the new year is determined on the basis of the lunar phases. The Chinese calendar is a complex system that takes into account the movement of time and energy. The calendar is created on the basis of observation of the Sun and the Moon and their influence on the basic life processes.

According to the Chinese zodiac calendar, every year is associated with a particular animal. This is a Rat, Bull, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig. And at the same time is in the power of one of the elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Wood or Metal in the polarity of Yin or Yang. This is how the names are formed - the year of the Fire Horse or the Wooden Dragon.

Chinese horoscope for children born in the year of the Rat

Zodiac signs

The personal characteristics of boys and girls born in the year of the Rat are their intelligence and phlegmatic character. They are obedient to the will of their parents, fair and kind. They have a good sense of humor and sociability. A small representative of the sign sees positive in everything. But a certain credulity makes us believe that only good intentions move others around us.

In early childhood, the child Rat quickly learns what parents want from him and from young nails gets used to order. Also, babies born in the year of the Boar are distinguished by responsibility and reliability. At school age, they demonstrate the ability to science, high learning ability, perseverance and good memory. They can do their homework independently without adult supervision. They work equally well as a team and individually.

Kids Rats are good friends and can become a leader in company. They are open and trusting, but at the same time they are not afraid to stand up for themselves. These are funny and calm guys who love their parents. It is typical for them to blame only themselves for their failures and this can become a source of internal tension. To splash out the negative, you can invite the child-Krysk to go in for sports, in which it will turn out to throw out negative emotions.

Children born in the year of the Rat can get along well with all the signs except the Snake. A cold and powerful Snake can infringe on the optimistic Piglet, causing him to doubt his strength. Attentive parents should not choose women belonging to this sign as a nanny or teacher, in order to avoid conflicts and reduce the self-esteem of their own child. It is also worthwhile to closely monitor the diet of children born this year. Since their inherent gluttony can cause fullness.

IMPORTANT! The professions in which the representatives of the sign can greatly excel are brokers, stylists, entrepreneurs, antique dealers, fashion designers, lawyers, confectioners, writers, actors.

Children's horoscope for 2020

Child at the christmas tree

Each parent is interested in what to expect. child in 2020, depending on the zodiac sign.

  • To parents Aries it is worth paying more attention to children at the beginning of the year. Their increased activity can be troublesome, and then control over them will be lost by spring. To do this, spend more time with the child, communicate and ask questions so that the baby sees a friend in you.
  • Taurus from the beginning of the year they will amaze with injustice and excessive activity. They show ingenuity and determination. Little tomboys will please with academic success, they will be interested in intellectual games and scientific literature.
  • At parents Twins the year will be unusual and memorable.The child will appreciate the sociability, determination, activity and desire to learn new things. All this will lead to new and useful acquaintances. Some learning problems are likely, since Gemini has the ability to "soar in the clouds." Parents should help children direct energy in the right direction.
  • Small Cancer at the beginning of the year can get a cold. This will make him naughty and moody. Crawfish in adolescence with the onset of spring heat will become actively interested in the opposite sex, so there will be noticeable changes in their nature. At the end of the year, small crayfish will be very vulnerable and impressionable, so parents should be softer and more patient.
  • Young Lions in 2020 they will continue to show leadership qualities. Parents should not interfere with the baby, so as not to spoil the relationship with him. The star’s parental strengths are recommended to be directed at combating pride so that this quality does not harm in the future. The kid must learn to respect feelings and take into account the opinions of others.
  • Small Virgin in 2020 will be incredibly assiduous and calm. They will spend time relaxing games and reading books. For Virgins, family comfort and the time they spend together with their parents will come first. However, in children, feelings of prudence and greed, which are eradicated by upbringing, can become aggravated.
  • White Rat ensures that in small Weights there will be a desire for knowledge, there will be no problems with study. Parents should provide all possible assistance and do not forget to praise the baby for success. In 2020, Libra will receive a vivid and unforgettable experience, so parents should be prepared for shocks.
  • At the young Scorpio in 2020 there will be a chance to show itself. Parents should explain to the child the need for discipline, respect for elders. This will help to cope with the problems of disobedience that arise due to the difficult nature of the Scorpions. There is a possibility that the baby there will be a hobby. Parents should help determine a sport, dance, study, etc.
  • At the beginning of the year Sagittarius you need the opportunity to show your skills, express your own opinion and generally be more independent. Parents should give this opportunity. In the middle of the year, Sagittarius teenagers can become touchy, aggressive and withdrawn, but a family-friendly conversation will fix the problem.
  • Young Capricorn at the beginning of the year it will surprise you that it does not want to communicate with peers. He will be more interested in adult conversation and study. Parents are recommended more often to walk with their child in the fresh air, as well as go on a trip, for example, at sea.
  • The youngest Aquarius in 2020 they will be ideal children, obedient and affectionate, almost all problems will recede into the background. There may be slight difficulties in studying at the beginning of the year, but the baby will cope with them on their own. Teenage Aquarius will strive for independence, they can connect with bad friends or acquire bad habits. It is necessary to direct all efforts not to lose the trust of the child.
  • Parents Piscesteenagers will face their first childhood love. This period occurs in each baby in different ways, so you should be prepared for everything. Students will become more withdrawn and distracted, which will lead to a decrease in academic performance. You should pay attention to study and help deal with difficulties.

The time is not far off when the mistress of 2020, Metal Rat, will take over. Astrologers predict that with the advent of the mischievous pig in the world, the long-awaited stability will come and most people will be able to look into the future with confidence and optimism. Hope this is true. And the year that will pass under the auspices of the White Rat will pass in the atmosphere of a holiday and will not leave anyone disappointed.

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The author of the article
Anton Smekhov
I understand that the quality of someone’s life depends on my knowledge and experience set forth on “paper”. I try to see only good in people, so I offer them only the best!
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