50 minutes60139
Soup from dried porcini mushrooms turns out to be hearty, tasty and incredibly aromatic, easy to prepare at home
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1 hour. 15 minutes.200530
Mushroom caviar is a tasty and nutritious snack, because the “forest inhabitants” are slightly inferior to meat in terms of protein content.
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1 hour. 1 min.200195
Folk wisdom says - "Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with mushrooms." Love for mushrooms is no coincidence.
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3 hours 38 minutes500355
The end of summer is a joy for connoisseurs of honey mushrooms. Stumps and tree trunks are strewn with whole clusters of mushrooms.
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23 minutes60140
Stuffed champignons - a hot appetizer in front of the main course, similar to French julienne.
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1 hour. 35 minutes4001.8k
Butterfishes are a great snack to the table. They are served in marinade or used to make various salads.
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2 hours 40 min3006.6k
In Russian cuisine, salted mushrooms are considered an exquisite delicacy, and butter is no exception. In salt form
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25 minutes42318
Chicken fillet is a versatile product from which an unimaginable number of dishes are prepared.
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60 min82343
The combination of meat and potatoes is a win-win option and a wonderful basis for cooking delicious
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25 minutes601.2k
Although red fish is cooked in a variety of ways, in this article I will tell you how to cook salmon in the oven.
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30 minutes.80334
Salad is an integral element of a festive feast. And since it’s not easy to surprise guests, I’ll consider step by step
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30 minutes.40296
New Year's most significant holiday. Preparation for it begins in advance, when they buy clothes, pick up
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20 minutes.40295
Fried potatoes, despite the calorie content, is considered the favorite food of many people. It is served as the main
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As you know, many people just love mushrooms. When visiting restaurants and cafes, they willingly order mushroom
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57 minutes150672
You can cook mushrooms in home conditions in different ways - fry, boil or pickle for the winter.
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1 hour. 2 minutes.200391
I would like to see dishes from mushrooms on the table not only during the season, but also in the winter. Aspen mushrooms for the winter
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2 hours 10 min.3001.3k
Mushrooms - the most popular product that gives the autumn season. Collecting them is a pleasure, but cooked
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1 hour. 54 minutes2001.3k
Pickled oyster mushrooms can be found not only on store shelves. Delicious oyster mushrooms are easy to pickle
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2 hours 0 min300184
They begin to stock up conservation from the summer period, as the climate is very severe. Mushrooms do not bypass the side.
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5 hours 15 minutes.1003.4k
Valui (gobies, mushrooms, flies, fists) - mushrooms, the taste of which is estimated as bitter, tart.
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1 hour. 15 minutes.100993
Gala dinner, fun feast with friends, family dinner - weighty arguments for the ability to pickle
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47 minutes100179
Nature has given mankind many delicious products, the most popular of which are growing
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5 hours 15 minutes.5008.5k
Shrimps are mushrooms that are often found in the forest, but are little known to beginner mushroom pickers. Experienced connoisseurs
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1 hour. 10 min.1502.4k
Volnushki are included in the category of conditionally edible mushrooms. In some countries of the world they are not consumed, but
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45 minutes100292
Ginger mushrooms belong to lamellar mushrooms and are ideal for salting for the winter. Their name matches
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1 hour. 10 min.200576
With the onset of autumn, housewives wonder how to salt chanterelles for the winter at home.
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40 min100396
Julienne is a French dish, usually prepared for the holidays. Recipes use
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1 hour. 20 minutes.40403
Lovers of cereals dream of learning how to cook buckwheat deliciously. After all, buckwheat is a healthy product.
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15 minutes.40256
Oyster mushrooms are the most nutritious and delicious mushrooms. They are universal, suitable for pickling, frying.
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20 minutes.20214
Mushroom dishes belong to the place of honor in Russian traditional cuisine, so in the article I will tell
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25 minutes40106
Lent is an important event for the Orthodox. From fasting begins preparations for Easter. This is a period of purification
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1 hour. 10 min.2092
Potato is the most popular vegetable among the Slavs. It's hard to imagine a festive or casual dinner
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30 minutes.406.3k
With the approach of autumn, mushrooms appear in numerous stocks of hostesses: pickled, frozen
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37 minutes60774
Potatoes and mushrooms are a tasty and healthy “duet” that almost everyone likes. Cooking options
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35 minutes60110
Champignon is a popular mushroom among its representatives. Lovers breed them at home
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1 hour. 10 min.200736
You don’t need to be a genius in the field of network technologies to find out how to salt the breasts for the winter hot and
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60 min1606.5k
In the article, we will talk about how to cook soup correctly. Lack of the necessary qualifications leads to
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30 minutes.1004.8k
Many housewives cannot imagine how tasty and healthy turnip is, especially if it is cooked deliciously.
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